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[招聘] 急需!!!信用支付公司招聘商业分析师 Business Analyst(实习生/兼职/全职)

发表于 2016-5-24 13:54:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ZbestPayment 于 2016-5-25 16:33 编辑


1.        负责公司业务中某个独立产品或项目的调查分析, EMV卡、PCI、Mobile Payment等;
2.        通过收集、整理数据信息,提出有针对性的方案或建议;
3.         研究行业宏观市场和竞争对手动态,从市场竞争的角度提出行业策略。


1.        具备基本的信息获取能力,以及市场分析、数据分析能力;
2.        具备从宏观角度分析行业现状和行业预测的能力;
3.        对商业和业务逻辑敏感,具备良好的逻辑分析能力和系统性思维能力,良好的跨团队的沟通能力 ;
4.        数字敏感度高,具备较强的分析总结能力,具备良好的数据呈现能力,包括PPT展示和讲解能力;
5.        良好的沟通表达能力和组织协调能力,富有进取创新精神和团队合作意识;
6.        数学、统计学和计算机相关专业者优先。

Location: Manhattan, New York


Business Analyst (Intern/Part-Time/Full-Time)

Job Responsibilities:

1.        Responsible for the analysis of company's products or project, such EMV cards、PCI、Mobile Payment and etc.;
2.        Collect and research data, propose targeted solutions or suggestions;
3.        Research on the industry and competitor dynamics, from the perspective of market competition, proposed industry strategy.

Job requirements:

1.        Have ability to obtain information , as well as market analysis , data analysis capabilities ;
2.        Have ability to  do the industry analysis and predict industry from a macro point of view ;
3.        Have the sensitive in commercial and business logic, have good analytical skills and systematic thinking skills, good inter- team communication skills ;
4.        Have the high sensitive in numbers , with a strong ability to analyze and summarize , good data presentation capabilities , including the ability to explain and demonstrate PPT;
5.        Good communication skills and organizational skills , enterprising spirit of innovation and teamwork;
6.        Mathematics, Statistics and Computer-related backgrounds preferred.

Location: Manhattan, New York

Send resume to: careers@zbestpayment.com


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