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[招聘] Marketing Intern

发表于 2016-6-9 09:39:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
·        Apositive attitude, and strong desire to learn, excellent communication skills
·        Carefulattention to detail;
·        Passionfor marketing
·        Exceptionalproblem-solving skills
·        Proficiencyin MS Word, Excel, and Outlook

Job Description
·        Assistwith business development and marketing strategy
·        Assistin coordinating various marketing methods, including, direct mail, print ads,networking, internet, and social media and develop new business opportunities
·        Assistwith managing a Customer Relationship Management System
·        Assistwith customizing and then disseminating press releases

What WeOffer
·        Practicalexperience with new media marketing techniques
·        Plentyof opportunities to shadow and spend time with the community Manager includingweekly meetings for coaching and professional development
·        Arich network of personal and professional contacts

How toapply: Send your resume to careers@zbestpayment.com


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