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Summer Intern 【纽约曼哈顿】泰伦特教育中心招聘教育类和市场类实习生

发表于 2015-4-16 09:03:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 missluckyv 于 2015-4-16 09:13 编辑

Talent Prep is currently seeking interns for our manhattan location in the Lower East Side!

Our Mission:

Here at Talent Prep Learning Center, our mission is to educate children of all ages to help them become

inquisitive learners, adaptive thinkers, and effective communicators. We offer a variety of classes, including

Gifted and Talented Tutoring, AABL, Stanford Binet Cognitive Development Prep, Mandarin Immersion, and

Literary and Math courses. These classes serve to enrich each student’s natural skills and understandings by

providing them with the materials and tools they need for their future.

By working as interns, you will be working with children from 3 to 18 years old and completing a wide variety

of tasks. These tasks include working in a classroom setting, such as helping children with their homework,

conducting read aloud, and even preparing for short lessons. Interns will be expected to be patient and

understanding of children’s diverse needs. We aim to have interns learn a wide range of useful skills such as

classroom management, differentiation, effective parent communication skills, and assessments.

Each student intern will be assigned to a certified mentor teacher for supervision purposes. To apply,

candidates must fill out the form and submit his or her resume to the program coordinator, Ms. Vicky at

vickiztalentprep@gmail.comor vickyw@talentprep.org before June 1st, 2015. Chosen candidates will be asked to attend an interview session.

For more information, please visit us at www.talentprep.org or follow our wechat: talentprep. We are located in

155 East Broadway conveniently by the M9, M15, and the F train.

Please fill out the form and submit it with your resume to vickiztalentprep@gmail.comorvickyw@talentprep.org before June 1st, 2015


Name (First, Last):  _________________________________ Contact Number : ____________________

Address: City: State: Zip:  _______________________________________________________________

E-mail Address:  __________________________________________________

【实习机会/New York, NY】
泰伦特教育中心(Talent Prep)现提供教育类实习和2015暑期夏令营市场类实习机会,实习地点纽约市。实习内容:协助老师授课;指导小朋友学习;中文家教等教育相关的工作。表现优可转有薪兼职。 要求: 教育类、市场类或艺术类相关专业在读; 英文流利,普通话标准;热爱教育,有教小朋友或家教经验,画画、陶艺等艺术特长的学生优先考虑。市场类实习主要帮助本教育中心拓展线上线下业务,管理家长、合作商家的资料,策划并实践新的市场推广战略。泰伦特教育中心诚请对教育感兴趣的同学发简历和cover letter至vickyw@talentprep.org


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