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招聘:文员/法律助理 (全职)Paralegal/Legal assistant (Fulltime)

发表于 2016-5-3 14:36:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

律师楼招聘全职文员/法律助理一名,要求有合法工作身份,双语(精通粤语或福州方言最佳), 有意者请发送简历到 以下邮箱:-


Brooklynlaw firm in Sunset Park area seeks an entry level paralegal/legal assistant.Prior law office experience preferred.

Fluentin English and Mandarin is required (Cantonese and/or Fujian dialect isstrongly preferred, please indicate your language skills in your cover letteror resume).

Musthave excellent phone and client service skills; be a great communicator andwith good attitude.

Mustbe detail-oriented and able to multi-task and cooperate well with other peoplein a fast-paced and time sensitive environment.


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