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急招初级程序员(Sponsor H1B)

发表于 2015-12-16 18:40:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美东地区的小伙伴们看过来,如果你正在积极找Java, .NET, PHP (LAMP), Big Data方向的工作,或者海投几百封已经到了快失望的地步,或你身边有还在积极寻找programming类工作的小伙伴,请不要吝惜转发此帖,目前校园招聘团队正在积极寻找有潜质的国际学生加入我们公司。
在科技服务方面成军20年,业界良心。虽然对于国际学生部分都是Consulting业务, 但跟大多数consulting 企业不同,Marlabs的主营业务是软件开发,consulting培训项目是因客户的大量需求营运而生。我们不仅为你提供快速的职业成长空间,移民政策也是极为诱人的。以下是招聘信息,有兴趣请发简历至:pengfei.qian@marlabs.com
Our current technology offerings:
·         Java/J2EE
·         SalesforceDeveloper
·         Microsoft .Net
·         Microsoft SQLBI
·         SAP BW/BO
·         PHP/LAMP
·         MS DynamicsCRM/AX
·         Big dataAnalytics
·         Cloud Computing
Our process of easing you into a technology career offers between 8 and10 weeks of intensive, job-oriented training, to ensure you have all the toolsand skills to succeed in your chosen field.
Program Benefits
On Training
·         Full time, jobspecific training program by corporate trainers
·         Eligiblecandidates will be employed and on payroll from the first day of training
·         RelocationAssistance to move to our training facility
·         Getcertifications that are recognized industry-wide
On Project
·         Full-time salary
·         Relocationassistance
·         Insurance(Medical, vision and dental), sick leave, paid vacation
·         On-projectmentoring and support
We are also E-Verified, for the benefit ofeligible candidates who require sponsorship.
Here are a couple of short videos for a quick insight about us! Click onthe link to play the video


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