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Business Development Manager 销售经理

发表于 2015-10-28 09:32:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ZBest Payment is a nationwideelectronic payment processing service provider. Our mission is to provide themost secure and efficient payment solution & service to our clients, and berecognized as the BEST electronic payment services provider in market.  ZBest Payment was established in 2013, andhas emerged as one of the fastest growing payment providers in Asian market. Wedeliver low cost payment service solutions, tailored marketing strategies, andcustomized POS system for all types of businesses including retail stores,restaurants, e-commerce websites, telephone order companies, lodgingestablishments, supermarkets and more. Our outstanding payment processingsolutions include credit, debit, gift / loyalty, EBT, ATM service, cashadvance, check conversion, e-commerce payments and more. We are looking fortalented professionals to join us and grow with the company. To learn moreabout ZBest Payment, please visit us at: http://www.zbestpayment.com
ZBest Payment is currentlyseeking a Business Development Manager who will thrive in an entrepreneurialenvironment. Business Development Manager will be responsible for sourcing andonboarding new partners for our three wholesale divisions (Corporate Client,Referral or ISO Partner). We will identify strategic verticals that align withour current product offerings and you will use your Business Development skillsto acquire top tier referral sources.
BusinessDevelopment Manager
·        Grow the ZBest Payment partner client base through cold calling andcalling list of previous clients
·        Develop outbound marketing campaigns
·        Sourcing potential vertical markets as Merchant Referral Partners couldinclude Accountants, Small Banks, and Equipment leasing shops, Insuranceagents, and/or vendor programs
·        Utilizing LinkedIn, Advertising, Association list calling, old contacts,our current database and networking to acquire new partners our sales channels
·        Thoroughly understand ZBest Payment’s Sales process and products and thecompetitive landscape

·        College degree in marketing, finance, or economics preferred
·        2 years of B2B sales experience encompassing full lifecycle sales fromprospecting to close
·        Demonstrated accomplishments in creating new business opportunities anddriving revenue
·        Relationships and experience in selling through at least one of ourvertical market is strongly preferred
·        Self-starter who is comfortable working in a start-up environment with ahigh degree of ambiguity
·        Excellent oral & written communications skills
·        Strong business maturity and presence with the ability to interact withmanagement
·        Demonstrated expertise in relationship building and influence managementboth with internal and external customers
·        Works well under pressure with the ability to manage and drive multiplepriorities
·        Personable, positive, upbeat disposition with the ability to have fun whiledelivering upon objectives
ApplyEmail: careers@zbestpayment.com       Yearly Salary 80k~120k

1.       根据公司战略需要,制定客服部工作目标和计划;
2.       负责客服团队的组建及团队成员的培养;
3.       负责客服政策执行及流程设计;
4.       负责客服人员的招募丶培训丶质检及绩效管理丶职业生涯规划;
5.       带领客服团队,努力提升用户需求的处理速度以及客户问题的分析解决能力;
6.       处理疑难丶特殊用户问题,确保呼叫中心服务质量与水平的专业丶统一性;
7.       妥善处理客户意见及需求,提升满意度, 善于维护渠道合作关系。
8.       组织部门开展会员营销工作, 负责拓展公司产品对外合作渠道,拓展客户。
1.       2年以上销售管理经验,1年以上独立管理团队经验;
2.       具备创新精神和挑战意识,有较强的自我驱动能力;
3.       具备良好的职业精神和职业操守,为人诚信,具有责任心;
4.       有较强的团队合作意识,善于沟通丶协调,包容性强;
5.       具有较强的拓展能力,有良好的团队协作精神。
6.       具有较强的沟通丶谈判能力,具有亲和力。
7.       能掌控大局,懂得应变,并带领团队高效工作。
8.       有较强的承压能力丶执行力以及应变能力;
9.       具备管理者的相应技能,如战略规划丶流程制定丶目标设置丶绩效考核丶成员激励等;
10.   沟通能力强,能独立解决各种用户问题,包括咨询丶售后丶处理投诉等,能预防可能出现的争议,妥善解决各种已出现的争议,最大程度的维护公司利益。
11.   流利中英文交流,会其他语言者优先。

如有兴趣者,请投简历至 careers@zbestpayment.com   年薪 80k~120k


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